Welcome to OFS
where we believe in empowering our employees
to achieve their career goals
and making a positive impact in the world.


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As a company, we are dedicated to fostering a supportive, 充满活力和包容性的工作环境,个人可以茁壮成长并有所作为. 在OFS,我们致力于吸引和留住业内最优秀的人才. If you are looking for a dynamic and fulfilling career, we encourage you to explore the opportunities available at OFS. 加入我们的使命,改变世界,让你的职业生涯更上一层楼.

Opportunities for Growth and Development

At OFS, 我们通过在职培训投资于员工的个人和专业成长, mentorship programs, and opportunities for advancement. We believe that our employees are the key to our success, 我们致力于支持他们充分发挥潜力.

Dynamic and Collaborative Work Culture

我们的工作文化建立在信任、协作和开放沟通的基础上. 我们营造了一个多元化和包容的环境,鼓励每个人把他们独特的观点和想法带到桌面上. 这导致了一个充满活力和创新的工作场所,不断推动可能的界限.

OFS 员工资源小组(ERGs)支持工作场所的多样性、公平性和包容性. ERGs 为有共同兴趣/关注的员工创建一个开放的论坛,让他们见面并相互支持.  OFS proudly sponsors four ERGs 代表妇女、非裔美国人、退伍军人和环保主义者. All ERGs are open to all employees at every job level, tenure, and location.

Making a Difference

在OFS,我们相信利用我们的资源和专业知识在世界上产生积极的影响. Whether it’s through our products, services, or community initiatives, 我们致力于用我们的成功来造福社会,为所有人创造更美好的未来.

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Competitive Compensation and Benefits

我们提供全面的薪酬和福利,旨在支持我们的员工和他们的家人. Our benefits include health insurance, paid time off, retirement plans, and more, 确保我们的员工拥有成长所需的资源.

Our Values





Customer Satisfaction

Our company exists to serve our customer; we relentlessly work to understand and meet their requirements.


For each other, for the richness of our differences, 为了我们的社区和环境,为了我们为服务客户所做的贡献.



Required to meet our many challenges.



We do what we say we will do.





Operational Excellence



Learning Organization


We invite you to explore our culture,

connect with our employees,

and envision yourself as part of the OFS family.


Here, 在视频中,我们的团队成员分享了他们的个人旅程,并深入了解了在OFS工作的感受. 从第一天起,你就会发现一个热情和包容的环境,拥抱多样性. Hear firsthand stories about the supportive colleagues, friendships, and connections that make OFS feel like a second home.

Stephanie Street | Chief Human Resource Officer


In this video, Stephanie Street, our Chief Human Resources Officer, discusses the many benefits of working at OFS, including:

  • A commitment to values: We are committed to our values, which include sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and employee development.
  • A focus on quality of life: 我们致力于为我们的员工提供高品质的生活,无论是在工作还是在家里.
  • A mission-driven workplace: We are a mission-driven company, 我们的员工为能成为改变世界的一部分而感到自豪.

如果您有兴趣了解更多beat365登录OFS的就业机会和在这里工作的诸多好处, please visit our career possibilities page.


Waymond Bishop | Senior Supply Chain Manager

在这段视频中,Waymond Bishop讨论了在OFS工作的诸多好处,包括:

  • The power of building global relationships: 鼓励创新,创造一种超越界限的社区意识. As OFS embraces innovative technologies and sustainability, the commitment to progress remains unwavering.
  • Enduring Spirit: 忠诚源于深厚的关系、集体动力和OFS特有的品质. OFS is a place where vibrant culture, global ties, and innovation converge to shape meaningful careers.
  • Opportunities at OFS: Camaraderie, growth, and purpose define our dynamic environment.

我们提供有竞争力的薪酬和福利,以及专业发展的机会. 如果您有兴趣了解更多beat365登录OFS的就业机会和在这里工作的诸多好处, please visit our career possibilities page.


Marta Chlus | Senior Manufacturing and Processing Engineer

In this video, Marta talks about how she was able to grow and learn at OFS, 以及她现在如何成为制造和工艺工程电缆部门的首席工程师,以及:

  • Career Commitment: OFS为成长、领导和团队合作提供了丰富的机会.
  • Education Support: OFS assists employees in pursuing further education.
  • Thought Leadership: OFS在光纤电缆制造行业拥有丰富的知识.

Our industry expertise, coupled with a supportive learning environment, make it an ideal starting point for your career. 如果您有兴趣了解更多beat365登录OFS的就业机会和在这里工作的诸多好处, please visit our career possibilities page.


Employee Resource Groups


OFS 员工资源小组(ERGs)支持工作场所的多样性、公平性和包容性. ERGs 为有共同兴趣/关注的员工创建一个开放的论坛,让他们见面并相互支持.  OFS proudly sponsors four ERGs 代表妇女、非裔美国人、退伍军人和环保主义者. All ERGs are open to all employees at every job level, tenure, and location.


Women’s Impact Network (WIN)

妇女影响网络(WIN)通过倡导一个所有女性都有机会实现职业潜力的环境,促进OFS的多样性和包容性.  This will be accomplished by:

  • Including employees globally (One Furukawa)
  • Attracting, retaining, and advancing a diverse workforce
  • 提供自我发展和个人成长的机会
  • 为所有员工提供一个支持和协作的环境, to learn, to share best practices and to grow.

Toni Allison, Production Supervisor

“女性在OFS表现出色,因为我们的多元化才能和观点受到尊重. 我感到很受鼓舞,我要全身心投入到工作中,帮助塑造公司的未来. OFS knows empowered women empower others.”

Kiya Anyanwu, Human Resources Coordinator

“在OFS的工作让我明白,当女性获得晋升和领导的机会时, we can achieve great things. 我在这里得到的支持和指导让我很自豪能成为这家赋予女性权力的公司的一员.”

Monique Lai, Process Engineer

“OFS正在努力通过OFS的女性影响网络提高对性别不平等的认识和对话. 女性掌舵让我们有能力为女性在职场的需求而奋斗,这样我们就可以展示自己的技能.”